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Safe Ministry

Keeping people safe is a shared responsibility
The Church of the Holy Trinity Terrigal parish belongs to the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle and is committed to ensuring that all people who participate in our worship, programs and ministries have a safe and rewarding experience.
The clergy, church officers and church workers are committed to ensuring the safety of all people. They are required by civil and church law to comply with these safety policies. We all have a responsibility to promote a healthy church culture.
Anglicans are committed to working together to ensure that policies and practices in place that are consistent with the Gospel, comply with NSW Law and comply with the Canons of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia and the Ordinances of the Diocese.
Informed by the NSW Child Safe Standards
The Royal Commission recommended 10 child safe standards, drawing on its findings and extensive research and consultation about what makes organisations child safe. The NSW Government has established a framework with core components to help organisations implement each standard. These have been a significant resource to the Diocese.
The standards are explained in the guide to the Child Safe Standards which assist organisations working with children to create, maintain and improve their child safe practices.
What if people are harmed at a church activity in the Terrigal Parish?
We encourage anyone in immediate danger to contact 000. Everyone who has been subjected to crime should contact NSW Police on 1800 333 000.
Lifeline provides a 24 hour – 7 day per week phone counselling service on 13 11 14.
Our Director of Professional Standards can be contacted on 1800 774 945.
The Diocese is actively involved in providing redress and support for survivors of child sexual abuse within the Diocese. You can find more details here
Keeping people safe
The overarching parish safety policy and its key components can be accessed here.
The Safe Ministry Policy of the Diocese of Newcastle is guided by NSW Legislation, the General Synod Safe Ministry to Children Canon, and the General Synod Safe Ministry Guidance, Diocesan Council Ordinance and the Professional Standards Ordinance.